Papuan Police Chief Meets Komnas HAM, There's Discussion About Riots After The Demo In Yahukimo

JAYAPURA - Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri received a visit from the Head of the National Human Rights Commission (HAM) Ahmad Taufan Damanik in Jayapura.

The meeting was attended by Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara accompanied by the main official from the Papuan Regional Police Head of Operations Damai Cartenz-2022 Kombes Muhammad Firman, Head of Representative of Komnas HAM Papua Frits Ramandey and Coordinator of Mediation for Komnas HAM Asri Wahono.

The Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Fakhiri said the situation in Papua was conducive, it was just that there were several incidents in Yahukimo Regency that caused casualties to property.

According to the Kapolda, the incident in Dekai, the capital of Yahukimo Regency, on Tuesday (15/3) made the National Police continue to work in law enforcement in order to remain professional.

"Recently, the issue of new autonomous regions (DOB) has increased, especially in relation to demonstrations against refusal, hoping that in the future there will be no casualties from the community or security forces, as happened in Dekai," said the Papuan Police Chief, quoted by Antara, Monday, 21 March.

The Kapolda admits that at this time he continues to use a soft approach pattern with an approach to the figures and lest we replace their roles because it is not effective.

"Let everything run naturally, grow it in the community and the figures who are our extensions to the community so that they can give the message of security and safety. The Papuan Police will continue to carry out the legal process (gakkum) in a transparent and professional manner," continued the Kapolda.

Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik said that the coordination between Komnas HAM and the National Police was not only in Papua but also throughout Indonesia.

According to Ahmad Taufan, major cases such as the incident at KM 50 have been brought to the attention of Komnas HAM and handled by professionals.

Law enforcement in Papua must still be carried out and it is not only corridors that are considered and Komnas HAM is currently proposing to conduct a peaceful dialogue in Papua between the government, OPM, community leaders, church leaders, traditional leaders within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"And the plan has been approved by state officials," said Taufan.