Oil Boss Andri Tan Arrested By Jambi Prosecutor's Office For Involvement In Tax Evasion Of IDR 3.5 Billion

JAMBI - The Jambi High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) after receiving the transfer of case files from the Civil Servant Investigator (PPNS) of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes, West Sumatra-Jambi, immediately arrested the suspect Andri Tan alias Titi. Andri Tan is an oil boss in Jambi who was involved in a tax evasion case worth Rp. 3.5 billion.

The submission of the suspect and evidence in the tax crime case of suspect Andri Tan alias Titi from the PPNS of the West Sumatra-Jambi Regional Tax Office of the Directorate General of Taxes was carried out at the Jambi District Attorney's Office (Kejari) Building.

"After the file is considered complete, the suspect is immediately detained in the Telanaipura Police Headquarters detention cell for 20 days," said Head of the Jambi Attorney General's Office, Lexy Fatharany, in Jambi, as reported by Antara, Friday, March 18.

This case began when Andri Tan as Director of PT Jambi Tulo Pratama (JTP) having his address at Jl. Kolonel Pol M Thaher, South Jambi District, was registered as a Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP) at the Tax Service Office (KPP) Pratama Jambi Simpang.

In March-July 2019, Andri Tan deliberately used a tax invoice so that it seemed as if PT JTP had made a transaction in the form of purchasing industrial diesel fuel (BBM) from PT Puspa Indah Karya with a value of IDR 35.28 billion.

PT JTP seems to have deposited VAT of IDR 3.5 billion, this is in accordance with expert calculations of state revenue from the Director General of Taxes.

The defendant Andri Tan in the tax evasion case was threatened with violating Article 39A letter a and Article 39 paragraph (1) letter d, Law Number 6 of 1983 as amended by Law Number 16 of 2009 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures in conjunction with Law Number 11 The year 2020 is about job creation.

In addition, the evidence submitted to the prosecutor will be submitted to the trial, including five bundles of books or company documents and one PT JTP bank statement with account number 2027777200.

Furthermore, the Jambi Kajari has appointed eight prosecutors in this case, which is a combination of the Public Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office and the Jambi Kejari with the head of the Insayadi team who was accompanied by Yayi Dita Nirmala.

"To facilitate the trial, the defendant will be detained at the Telanaipura Police Station for 20 days, then the prosecutor will prepare an indictment to be immediately tried at the Jambi District Court," said Lexy Fatharany.