Cuan! BNI Distributes IDR 2.7 Trillion Dividend, Government Gets IDR 1.6 Trillion

JAKARTA - The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk. (BNI) decided to distribute cash dividends of Rp2.72 trillion.

BNI's President Director Royke Tumilaar said that this amount was equivalent to 25 percent of the company's net profit in 2021. Meanwhile, the other 75 percent or Rp. 8.17 trillion would be used as retained earnings for sustainable business development going forward.

"Taking into account the composition of government-owned shares of 60 percent, BNI will deposit a dividend of Rp 1.63 trillion into the state general treasury account. Then, the ownership of 40 percent of public shares worth IDR 1.09 trillion will be given to shareholders according to their respective ownership portions," he said when giving a virtual presentation, Tuesday, March 15.

According to Royke, the dividend value for the 2021 fiscal year will increase 3.3 times from the 2020 fiscal year dividend of Rp 820.1 billion.

"This result makes the dividend value per share this time set at Rp. 146 or up 3 times compared to last year's Rp. 44," he said.

For information, last year the government received a portion of dividends worth Rp492.58 billion to the state general treasury account. The public's share of dividends for ownership of 40 percent of the shares was recorded at Rp.327.52 billion.

"Through the decision of the shareholders, it is hoped that BNI will continue to record good corporate business performance, provide maximum public services, as well as become a motor in encouraging the growth of the Indonesian economy," concluded Royke.