Persikabo Official Dies At The Top Of Mount Batur Bangli Bali

BANGLI - Persikabo official Ihya Nuruddin Zain (43) died at the top of Mount Batur, in Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali.

Head of Public Relations of the Bangli Police, Iptu I Wayan Sarta, said that from the information from the medical team at the Bangli Hospital, the victim was already dead when officers arrived at the location.

"The cause of death is suspected to be a heart attack," said Iptu Sarta, Tuesday, March 15.

From the testimony of witnesses, there were 8 people, namely players and officials, who went up to Mount Batur in the early hours of the morning.

While at post 1 climbing, the victim admitted that he was tired but still wanted to climb to the top of Mount Batur. The victim's colleague contacted a motorcycle taxi driver to take him to post 3.

Then, at 05.30 WITA, the victim and his partner followed the group to the top.

At around 07.00 WITA, when the group rested and sat in the hut, the victim complained of shortness of breath.

"After receiving treatment for approximately 20 minutes at 07.20 WITA the victim was declared dead," he added.

"Furthermore, the victim was evacuated from the peak to the starting line for climbing Mount Batur with the assistance of a team from the TNI, Polri and BKSDA as well as residents of the Mount Batur motorcycle taxi association. Then, the victim's body was taken to Bangli Hospital," said Iptu Sarta.