The National Police Chief Issues Announcement On Simultaneous Regional Election Health Protocols 2020

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, issued an announcement on the health protocol for COVID-19 in the implementation of the 2020 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). The issuance of this announcement aims to prevent the emergence of Pilkada clusters.

"So today the National Police Chief issued an announcement regarding compliance with health protocols in the implementation of the 2020 elections," said Head of Public Relations at the Police Headquarters Inspector General Pol Argo Yuwono to reporters, Monday, September 21.

The publication of the announcement numbered Mak / 3 / IX / 2020, said Argo, was a follow-up to President Joko Widodo's instructions. Because, the instruction is intended to prevent the emergence of new clusters.

"Of course, the National Police issued an announcement. Of course we issued it in order to suppress the Pilkada cluster as little as possible," he said.

Later in the implementation of this announcement, prosecution against the community who violates the health protocol rules will be carried out by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP). But the National Police will assist when prosecuting these violations.

"If the area prioritizes Satpol PP," he said.

Meanwhile, the four points of the Chief of Police's announcement regarding compliance with the implementation of health protocols as an effort to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic during the 2020 simultaneous regional elections, include;

1. The 2020 Pilkada is the implementation of people's sovereignty which is constitutionally protected by law, so it is necessary to confirm regulations so that it does not become a new cluster for the spread of Covid-19.

2. To provide protection and ensure safety to the organizers of the 2020 Pilkada, the Chief of the National Police hereby issues an announcement:

a. In implementing the 2020 Pilkada, continue to prioritize mental safety by complying with government policies and regulations related to the handling, prevention and health protocol of Covid-19.

b. Pilkada 2020 organizers are required to implement the Covid-19 health protocol by wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds.

c. The mobilization of the masses at each stage of the election does not exceed the limit on the number of masses set by the organizers.

d. After completing each stage of the activity, all parties involved and the community should immediately disperse in an orderly manner without processions, convoys, or the like.

3. Whereas if an act is found to be contrary to this proclamation, every member of the INP is obliged to take the necessary police action in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws.

4. It is thus conveyed to be known and obeyed by the whole community.