Don't Want To Miss Out, Baznas Takes Advantage Of Metaverse For Zakat Optimization

JAKARTA – The development of metaverse technology has begun to be familiar with the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas). In Ramadan 2022, they will enter the metaverse world to optimize the management and increase of zakat, infaq and alms (ZIS) in the country.

"Baznas always adapts to technological advances, one of which is by utilizing new technology, namely the metaverse world," said Chairman of the Indonesian Baznas Noor Achmad, in a written statement received by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday, March 12.

Noor said that through Zakat Metaverse, muzaki will be invited to explore new experiences in interacting with zakat service officers. Especially in consulting related to zakat and the ease of paying ZIS at Baznas.

According to him, the development of the zakat metaverse has been developed by Baznas since January 2022. This step is another effort from Baznas in utilizing the digital world to campaign and encourage increased collection of zakat, infaq and alms.

"Since 2016, Baznas has made digitalization efforts which have been continuously developed into a comprehensive digital transformation of all Baznas work processes. Baznas always tries to make it easier for the community to spread kindness," said Noor.

Baznas has also collaborated with more than 80 digital platform partners, consisting of various roles. These include payment gateway facilities, crowdfunding, e-commerce, provision of QRIS for ZIS, and providers of chatbot technology or augmented reality (AR) technology.

On the other hand, Baznas has a backbone system called SIMBA, Baznas Information and Management System. SIMBA is a system developed since 2012 and plays an important role in recording zakat, infaq, and alms management activities nationally.

The digitalization efforts developed by Baznas are bearing fruit and increasing zakat collection every year. Zakat collection through digital wallets has increased by 26-30 percent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through Baznas online zakat on the page, people can pay their zakat anywhere without having to leave the house.

"The COVID-19 pandemic that has limited people's activities has made Baznas boost the digitization of zakat. Thank God this effort has resulted in an increase in ZIS, thanks to the convenience and generosity of the community to help others," he said.