Add 62, Total Patients Recovered In West Bangka During The Pandemic 6,280 People

BANGKA - As many as 62 COVID-19 patients in West Bangka Regency have recovered as of today. Thus, the total number of recovered patients in the region since the first confirmed case in Indonesia was 6,280 people.

Overall, the number of COVID-19 cases during the pandemic in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province was 6,776 people.

"As far as 6,280 people have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 during the pandemic, 6,280 have recovered, 149 patients have died and 347 people are still undergoing isolation," said Spokesperson for the West Bangka Regency COVID-19 Task Force, M. Putra Kusuma, in Mentok, Saturday, March 12, quoted from Antara.

As many as 62 people who have been declared cured or have finished undergoing the isolation period are from Mentok sub-district three people, Parittiga three people, Kelapa nine people, and Tempilang sub-district 47 people.

On this day there was also an addition to the number of new cases of residents who tested positive for COVID-19 as many as 16 people, from Mentok eight, Jebus two, Parittiga four, Kelapa one, and Tempilang sub-districts.

"The COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, for that we ask residents to adhere to the 5M health protocol, at least use a mask when doing activities outside the home to minimize the risk of the possibility of contracting the virus," he said.

This also applies to residents who have received an injection of the COVID-19 vaccination because even though they have been vaccinated, they can still be infected.

"Vaccination is useful for increasing the body's resistance and can still be infected with the virus, but by getting the vaccine, it is hoped that the patient will not experience severe symptoms or die," he said.

Vaccination is important and it is hoped that the community will take an active role in obtaining health services, which currently can still be obtained free of charge at the nearest vaccination outlets.

Currently, of the 157,934 targeted vaccinations in West Bangka Regency, 131,571 or 83.31 percent have received the first dose of vaccine, while 102,783 or 65.08 percent have received the second dose of vaccine, and 5,552 people or 3.52 percent of the third dose have been given. .

The government also provides vaccination injections for groups of children aged six to 11 years with a target of 21,725 people, who have been injected with the first dose of vaccine 20,618 or 94.9 percent and 16,873 or 77.66 percent of the second dose.