Transactions Of 121 Accounts Related To Illegal Investments, Value Reached Rp353.98 Billion

JAKARTA - The Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) confirmed the policy to temporarily suspend transactions for 121 accounts owned by 46 parties in 56 financial service providers. The termination was carried out due to allegations of illegal investments with a total nominal value of IDR 353.98 billion.

"Of this amount, Rp. 99.11 billion has been blocked by investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police and this number is still growing, because the search process that has been carried out since January 2022 is still ongoing," said the Head of the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) , Ivan Yustiavandana, in his official statement, as reported by Antara, Thursday, March 10.

According to Ivan, PPATK has received 375 reports related to illegal investments that harm the public with a transaction value of more than Rp. 8.26 trillion, consisting of investment in medical equipment (sunmod alkes), forex, affiliates, and other illegal investments.

"So the transactions that we are monitoring temporarily are in the amount of Rp. 8.26 trillion, out of 375 reports, including we see that there is activity to purchase luxury goods," said Ivan.

Based on Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering, the parties who trade in luxury goods have an obligation to report to the PPATK, but so far the report has not been received.

Therefore, PPATK continues to coordinate with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police to follow up on the possibility of luxury goods transactions related to money laundering efforts.

INTRAC also found that several transactions related to illegal investments flowed from and to foreign countries, such as Singapore, Australia, the United States, and China.

Ivan added that people should be more careful about investment offers with attractive and instant returns because they have the potential to be fraudulent.

When the community suffers a loss, the parties who offer the investment argue that the loss is part of the risk that must be borne by the community, even though they had the intention from the start to commit fraud.

"PPATK continues to try to protect the public and so that cases like this do not happen again and so that people are aware of the potential for similar frauds that will occur in the future," said Ivan.