Bambang Trihatmodjo's Debt In The 1997 SEA Games Sweet Year

JAKARTA - Bambang Trihatmodjo's debt to the middle state is widely recognized by the public, following his polemic with the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani. Bambang sued Sri for extending her prevention abroad. The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) countered the lawsuit by reminding Bambang of the past debt he had been carrying since the 1997 Sea Games. Debt from a historic event. Because the Sea Games this time was a sweet year as well as the closing of Indonesia's heyday.

Bambang Trihatmodjo (Chairperson of the Consortium Consortium Organizing Partners of the Sea Games XIX Year 1997) was determined to prevent Bambang from leaving the Republic of Indonesia. Country. In his lawsuit, Bambang asked the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) to declare the decision invalid or invalid.

In addition, in the lawsuit registered with case number 179 / G / 2020 / PTUN.JKT, Bambang also asked PTUN to oblige the defendant to withdraw the ministerial decision. Bambang filed a lawsuit through his attorney, Prisma Wardhana Sasmita, where the status of the case is currently still in the preparatory examination stage.

Last we contacted, Thursday evening, 17 September, the Ministry of Finance stated that it had not received notification of the lawsuit. "Until now, the Ministry of Finance has not received the notification of the lawsuit," said Head of Communication and Information Services of the Ministry of Finance, Rahayu Puspasari, confirmed by VOI.

Even so, the Ministry of Finance has explained the reasons for extending Bambang's prevention. According to the Ministry of Finance, Bambang has not completed his obligations in the context of the state receivables for the XIX SEA Games in 1997.

In the 1997 SEA Games, Bambang served as chairman of the executive consortium. At that time, the government under the leadership of President Soeharto, Bambang's father himself provided a loan of Rp35 billion to the consortium. The loan comes from the Presidential Assistance (Banpres) fund.

Bambang is responsible for providing all SEA Games facilities. As the head of the consortium, Bambang is also burdened with the responsibility for the accounts. It is estimated that, with the amount of the loan, plus interest and fines, the figure that Bambang has to pay has now reached trillions of rupiah. Big debt from the year that marked the beginning of the decline in Indonesia's sports achievements in the SEA Games.

Indonesia's decline in achievement

Indonesia is not a partisan of the SEA Games. Indonesia is the champion of the SEA Games. Until 1997, at least the triumph could be felt. Indonesia even became the first country to win the SEA Games. It is even more special because the overall title was won by Indonesia in the first year of its participation.

Launching the Lao National Olympic Committee page, before that year the SEA Games were called the SEAP Games (Southeast Asian Peninsular Games). Held in the same period, namely bi-annually, the first SEAP Games were held in 1958.

The SEAP Games is an initiation from member countries of the South East Asian Peninsula (SEAP) federation, namely Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Malaya (Malaysia), South Vietnam (Vietnam), Laos, and Cambodia. The first SEAP Games were held on 12-17 December 1959 in Bangkok. The SEAP Games continued until 1977, when Indonesia entered - along with the Philippines - and immediately won.

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At that time, in Malaysia, no country was able to match Indonesia's gold medal achievement. Indonesia won 62 gold, 41 silver and 34 bronze in this debut. The country that initiated the SEAP Games, Thailand even fell far behind in second place with 37 gold, 35 silver and 33 bronze. In the 1977 to 1997 period, Indonesia failed to become the overall champion only twice. That moment occurred at the 1985 and 1995 Thailand SEA Games.

You could say, the year when Bambang went into debt was the best year as well as the starting point of the pulley that dragged Indonesia further to the bottom of the well. At the 1997 SEA Games in Jakarta, Indonesia recorded 194 gold, 101 silver and 115 bronze. Indonesia's achievement has dropped dramatically since the following year, 1999. This condition did not even improve until the 2003 SEA Games. Indonesia slipped to third place.

At the 2005 SEA Games, Indonesia's achievements were getting worse. That year Indonesia slipped to fifth position. However, conditions had crept up in 2007 and 2009. In the two consecutive years, Indonesia was in the fourth and third positions.

In 2011, the dejavu happened. Indonesia became the overall champion with a record of 182 gold, 151 silver and 143 bronze. However, it wasn't a moment of awakening. In 2013 Indonesia returned to number four. Following, two moments later, the 2015 SEA Games and the 2017 SEA Games, Indonesia dropped to fifth place.

Finally, at the 2019 Philippines SEA Games, Indonesia's achievements have not shown any improvement. Indonesia is perched in fourth position in the final standings with 72 gold, 84 silver and 111 bronze. Today Bambang's debt reminds us of how sweet the 1997 SEA Games were.

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