Build An Integrated Information System, Ministry Of Finance Signs MoU With SKK Migas

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkeu) and the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) signed a memorandum of understanding in the context of implementing the development and construction of an integrated information system as well as exchanging data and/or information from upstream oil and gas business activities. natural gas.

Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said the purpose of the memorandum of understanding was to create a synergistic and coordinated cooperative relationship in the context of utilization, management, system development, and system development of the original reconciled, verified, and validated data and/or information. includes data and/or information regarding state revenues, state expenditures, provision of facilities, testing compliance with tax obligations, and state property from upstream oil and gas business activities.

Then in the context of supervising the provision of facilities and auditing taxation of upstream oil and gas business activities.

"The signing of this memorandum of understanding is a continuation of the cooperation that has been initiated since 2014 which at that time began with the Development of an Integrated Information System for the Management of State Revenue and State Owned Goods from Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities which have ended," he said at the signing of the memorandum of understanding, Tuesday March 8th.

Furthermore, Dwi said that for the benefits that have been felt by the Ministry of Finance and SKK Migas, then more intensive discussions were carried out involving functions within the Ministry of Finance related to upstream oil and gas businesses.

"In the context of renewing the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Finance and SKK Migas, the scope of cooperation is increased to an integrated information system that can improve synergistic and coordinated cooperative relationships in order to maximize upstream oil and gas business activities," explained Dwi.

Dwi added, during the energy transition, the existence of the upstream oil and gas sector is very important and efforts to increase oil and gas production in 2030 are becoming increasingly relevant.

"Through this Integrated Information System, joint efforts to support the development of the upstream oil and gas industry sector can be carried out more optimally, including in terms of providing incentives and tax facilities that support the improvement of the investment climate, while maintaining the interests of the state, including efforts to optimize state revenues, " said Dwi.

In her remarks, the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the Upstream Oil and Gas Integrated Information System (SIT) was a step in the Ministry of Finance's synergy program involving integrated state finances to be able to obtain timely and accurate data. Checks and balances in managing the financial system related to taxes, customs, excise, and others. It also includes state expenditures/expenditures and state-owned goods.

"The Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance and SKK Migas will capture the entire upstream oil and gas business, in terms of state revenues, state expenditures to state property. This is a more mature development and has real benefits, because this system has been launched since 2014," said Sri Mulyani .

Furthermore, the Minister of Finance said that a strong synergy will provide benefits for the state and the business world. With this synergy, there will be efficiency in the management of upstream oil and gas assets, as well as optimization of state revenues from upstream oil and gas and will create transparency in the management and supervision of upstream oil and gas.

"With integrated data, consistency and credibility between agencies will continue to be strengthened. Thank you to the Head of SKK Migas who continues to be committed to realizing positive and productive upstream oil and gas systems and ecosystems, having high transparency and accountability. This is a manifestation of our practice of the 1945 Constitution that natural wealth is controlled by the state and utilized to the fullest for the people," said Sri Mulyani.