The Largest Area No. 3 In Indonesia, The Governor Of West Kalimantan Admits It's Difficult To Reach The COVID-19 Vaccination Target

WEST KALIMANTAN - The Governor of West Kalimantan, Sutarmidji, said that geographical conditions made it difficult for COVID-19 vaccination coverage in his area to reach the target. West Kalimantan is known to be the third-largest area in Indonesia.

"For the implementation of this vaccine, the problem is not because people don't believe it, but because of our geographical conditions that are difficult to implement. The proof is that vaccine 1 is already 84 percent", said Sutarmijdi in Pontianak, Tuesday, March 8.

Sutarmijdi said that the acceleration of vaccination coverage in Java did not have high obstacles. However, it is different from West Kalimantan which is a challenge for the local provincial government.

"In Java, the vaccine can be achieved faster, because apart from the area which is not too large, it can also be reached easily. If in West Kalimantan, Kapuas Hulu Regency alone, the amount is the same as the Province of West Java plus Banten", he said.

Not to mention there are areas in Bengkayang Regency, such as Sungkung. He said the area was only accessible by helicopter to transport rice and provide vaccination services.

"That's why this vaccination can't be done comprehensively. However, we are lucky to be backed up by the TNI and Police who are also actively vaccinating in hard-to-reach areas", said Sutarmijdi.

He added that at this time there was still no new circular regarding the COVID-19 vaccination. It's just that West Kalimantan's target, for the end of March, he hopes that vaccination 1 can be above 90 percent, vaccine 2 will reach 65-70 percent.

Sutarmidji also stated that currently, West Kalimantan also does not have a laboratory that can determine the Omicron or Delta variant, so it still relies on the Jakarta Health Lab to get results from the samples sent.

"I also want to convey to our Chinese brothers and sisters, on March 20 the schedule for the Grave Prayer will be scheduled. I ask that those from outside West Kalimantan don't go home and pray in their place, because the mobilization of people from populated areas to other areas causes a high prevalence of infection", he said.