LaNyalla: If The Pandemic Is The Reason The Election Is Postponed, It Doesn't Make Sense

SURABAYA - The chairman of the DPD, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, emphasized that the high cost of democracy is a consequence for Indonesia which has adopted the Western system. In fact, Indonesia has Pancasila.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the DPD RI when giving an introduction to the Dialectic Program on TV Muhammadiyah, 'Delaying the Election of Who Orders', Saturday, March 5.

"It has consequences for this country with expensive elections. Because we imitate the presidential system with a Western democratic pattern where everything is done through direct elections," he said.

In fact, he continued, this nation already has its own system, namely Pancasila Democracy with a representative mechanism. Where the people's mandate is given through the MPR as the highest state institution.

"But we have left that behind, since the Amendment 20 years ago. Yes, this is the consequence of high-cost democracy in order to follow procedural democracy," he stressed.

Therefore, regarding the discourse of postponing the 2024 General Election due to a large budget, according to LaNyalla, this cannot necessarily be a justification. Because the budget is also issued in stages.

"After all, the government is also not having budget difficulties. The proof is that the projected IKN development with a larger budget is still running," said the Senator from East Java.

Then, the reason the 2024 Election had to be postponed was because Indonesia was still in a pandemic, LaNyalla asserted, it could not be reasoned with with common sense. Considering that in the December 9, 2020 elections, they were forced to continue. Even though at that time the positive number of Covid-19 was high.

"We at the DPD RI at that time invited the KPU, Bawaslu and the Minister of Home Affairs, why were the regional elections forced to continue. At that time it was explained that a simulation of health protocols had been carried out. So if the pandemic is used as an excuse to postpone the election, I think it doesn't make sense," he said.

Therefore, LaNyalla asked the political elite to stop making noise. The elites should focus on thinking about crucial national problems, namely providing concrete solutions for the people.

"The people at the bottom are getting more and more difficult. Prices of basic commodities are rising, LPG and fuel are rising. The screams of the people are what the political elite must think about," said the Pancasila Youth leader.

On this occasion, LaNyalla also reaffirmed the position of herself and the DPD RI in the debate about the postponement of the 2024 General Election.

Through the official press release of the Chairperson of the DPD RI, last Monday, February 28, LaNyalla had said that no parties should try to postpone the election. Because the people's mechanism to evaluate the government has been regulated in the Constitution through elections every 5 years.

"So let's not look for loopholes to postpone the election, which then extends the term of office of the President which is ultimately unconstitutional," he said.

"I also give appreciation to PP Muhammadiyah through the General Secretary, Mr. Abdul Mukti, who has stated that he rejects the discourse," he said.