There Will Be No More 3G Signal In Malaysia In 2021

JAKARTA - Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin says Malaysia will gradually stop 3G telecommunications services by 2021.

As reported by Antara, Thursday, September 17, Muhyiddin Yassin submitted the article while giving a celebration on Malaysia Day 2020, which took place at the Sibu Sarawak Indoor Stadium, Wednesday night.

"The 3G network will be phased out until the end of 2021 to strengthen the 4G network as well as strengthen the 5G network. The second phase, the transition to the 5G network, will follow after the end of the first phase," he said.

Muhyiddin said the federal government also always gave priority to the development of Sabah and Sarawak.

"Recently, I announced the digital infrastructure program, the National Digital Network or Window, which will be included in the 12th Malaysia Program," he said.

The program, said Muhyiddin, includes for the people of Sabah and Sarawak who are mostly a bit left behind regarding access to high-speed internet access.

"This program is a strategic collaboration between the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (KKMM), the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Committee (MCMC) and related boards," he said.

The first phase will expand 4G, from 91.8 percent to 96.9 percent in populated areas and provide gigabit-speed access to communities in 7.5 million locations.

"In Sabah, a total of 35 new towers and 1,048 communication transmitters will be upgraded commercially to increase 4G coverage. In Sarawak, a total of 49 new towers and 825 communication transmitters will also be upgraded commercially," he said.