KSAL Yudo Margono: The Russo-Ukrainian War Will Not Affect The Operations Of The Indonesian Navy's Alutsista

JAKARTA - The Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono said the Russian-Ukrainian war did not affect the operations of the Indonesian Navy's main weapon system (alutsista).

"Our defense equipment has many origins. Some are made in the Netherlands, made in Russia, then yesterday 39 ships were from Germany, including many of our weapons from outside. Of course there is no influence from them, we will continue to carry out operations," said Admiral Yudo at Headquarters Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, March 2.

However, for spare parts, he said, the Indonesian Navy until now does not know because it regulates the Ministry of Defense.

"Operationally we continue to use it. We are not influenced by Russia wanting to go to war with any country. We have bought the tool and it is our right," said Yudo.

In the future, continued the former Pangkogabwilhan I, how to spare parts that may or may not be subject to an embargo must be anticipated.

For the geopolitical discussion, Yudo said he would only discuss it internally.

He said that in the future, his party will be aware of the development of the strategic environment.

"Especially with an incident like this, what will happen in the future, this will of course be our discussion that we can't convey openly," said Yudo.