Serang City Health Office Prepares 16 Health Service Posts For Flood Victims

SERANG - Serang City Health Office, Banten, has prepared 16 health centers and health service posts at flooded locations to provide health services to residents affected by the flood.

"For flood victims who are sick, please come to the health post or local health center. There are 16 health centers ready to serve, plus a post near the flood point", said Head of the Serang City Health Service A. Hasanudin in Serang, Wednesday, March 2.

He said that apart from the existing Puskesmas (public health center), his party also prepared several health posts in flooded areas, such as those near the Magersari, Kaujon, Lopang Cilik, Kasemen detention centers, and several health workers on the move.

"Earlier, at the Lopang Cilik Health Post, there were about 130 residents who came for treatment. On average they felt dizzy and nauseous", said Hasanudin.

He appealed to residents of flood victims to remain calm and not panic and maintain a healthy body condition and also need to anticipate post-flood diseases such as itching caused by an unsanitary home environment due to the former flood.

"We and the team continue to monitor to provide health services to residents", said Hasajudin.

Meanwhile, after the flood occurred in dozens of residential points in Serang City, residents were assisted by volunteers and officials to clean up garbage and mud around the flood-affected residential areas.