Starting To Slope Ambon City Entering The Yellow Zone

AMBON - Ambon City is now in the yellow zone (low risk) in the Epidemiological Map of the distribution of COVID-19 in Maluku Province. Ambon City as of 27 February 2022 has moved from the Orange Zone (Medium risk) to the Yellow Zone with a score of 2.53, said the spokesman for the Ambon City Task Force (Satgas) for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling, Joy Adriaansz. "Ambon City has increased its score by 0.18 points from the previous week to 2.53 and is in the yellow zone or low risk," he said. in Ambon, Tuesday, March 1. He stated that the increase in Ambon City's score indicated that the Omicron variant could slowly but surely be suppressed. This can also be seen by the decrease in positive confirmed cases from day to day, and the increasing number of cures. The Omicron variant of COVID-19, he said, has the characteristics of a fast spread but with a faster recovery rate than its predecessor, the delta variant. However, the variant This still has to be watched out for because in people with low immune systems, such as the elderly and comorbid, this variant can worsen pre-existing comorbid diseases. "Therefore, the task force team always carries out judiciary to urge and remind the public to remain disciplined about health protocols. always wearing a mask," he said.

The spokesman also reminded people who have not received the complete vaccine, especially the elderly, to immediately follow the second dose of vaccination, at the nearest health facility or centrally at the Merdeka Square Tribune. "With vaccination, the body's resistance or immunity to this variant will also increase," he stressed. Until now, positive confirmation cases in the city of Ambon totaled 509 people. This number has decreased drastically when compared to mid-February which reached 1,866 people.