47,754 People Found Violating Health Protocols In The National Justisi Operation

JAKARTA - The National Police Public Relations Division Karo Penmas, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that the health protocol justice operation was implemented throughout Indonesia since September 14.

The result, he said, was that 47,754 were found to have violated health protocols. According to Awi, this operation was carried out together with the TNI and local governments with the target of activities that caused crowds.

"A total of 47,754 people were caught in the raids, (from the Justisi operations carried out in) 2,318 places and 2,511 activities," Awi told reporters, Tuesday, September 15.

According to Awi, from the prosecution, most of the sanctions given to violators were still in the form of a warning. However, some of them have already applied witnesses to fines according to the regulations of their respective regions.

"The types of sanctions imposed can be conveyed, first an oral warning of 48,630 times, then a written warning of 3,904 times and imprisonment of zero, an administrative fine of 1,150 times with a fine of Rp52 million, for the closure of a business of nil. Other sanctions are in the form of social work 2,853 times," Awi said.

In addition, Operation Yustisi involved 49,947 joint team personnel. For Polri members, 2,599 personnel are recorded as being involved in this national scale operation.

"The details are 2,599 Polri personnel, 9,511 TNI personnel, 11,212 Satpol PP and 3,315 other personnel," he said.