Fadli Zon: Presidential Instruction Number 1 Of 2022 Turns People Into Dairy Cows

JAKARTA - Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 1 of 2022 concerning Optimizing the Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program has recently received a lot of attention from the public. This is because the Presidential Instruction, which was signed on January 6, makes BPJS Health membership a mandatory requirement in managing a number of public services, ranging from SIM, STNK, SKCK, business permits, buying and selling land, going on Hajj, Umrah, to immigration matters.

Member of the government coalition DPR from the Gerindra faction, Fadli Zon, assessed that the policies made by President Jokowi did not protect the people and quite the opposite.

"I see that this Presidential Instruction was issued solely to pursue and collect as much public funds as possible. Starting from the issue of JHT (Old Age Security) funds at BPJS Employment, to BPJS Health participation requirements in Presidential Instruction No. 1 Year 2022, the main issue is not actually protecting and guaranteeing people's rights, but the state is turning its people into cash cows to maintain the government's monetary and fiscal balance," said Fadli Zon in a press release received by VOI, Sunday, February 27.

In addition, Fadli Zon and the Presidential Instruction were not prepared carefully. According to him, this has proven to ignore several aspects, especially the aspect of justice.

"In my opinion, the Presidential Instruction was drafted very rashly, because it ignores many aspects, ranging from philosophy, justice, appropriateness, and the principle of public service itself," he concluded.