Wow! Bengkayang, West Kalimantan, Lacks 1,351 Teachers With Civil Servant Status

BENGKAYANG - The Regent of Bengkayang, West Kalimantan, Sebastianus Darwis stated that currently the area lacks 1,351 educators or teachers with the status of Civil Servants (PNS) who will be placed in 17 sub-districts in the local area.

"Education staff with civil servant status in Bengkayang is still very minimal and we lack 1,351 teachers for 122 villages in 17 sub-districts," said Sebastianus Darwis in Bengkayang, Antara, Friday, February 25.

Darwis said the shortage of educators was a challenge for the Bengkayang Regency Government. He asked the current teachers to remain disciplined in carrying out their duties.

According to Darwis, the Bengkayang Regional Government and regional apparatus organizations continue to conduct socialization related to teacher discipline in each region.

"We continue to supervise and monitor, so that the existing teachers can work in a professional and disciplined manner," said Darwis.

In 2021 Bengkayang Regency had a shortage of 3,000 teaching staff, and every year around 100 to 200 teachers enter retirement age.

"This problem is really a dilemma for us, while the acceptance of CPNS teachers is very minimal from the center," he said.