Take Money At ATMs, Men's Motorcycles In Medan Vanish In The Parking Lot

MEDAN - A video of the theft of a motorbike parked at a mini market on Jalan Jamin Ginting, Medan Baru District, Medan City was shared on social media.

In the video, the perpetrator who acts alone can be seen easily taking away the victim's motorbike.

The owner of the motorbike, Primasatria S Melilala said that at that time he came to the minimarket to take money at an ATM outlet.

"It happened around nine o'clock, I took money from an ATM," he told reporters, Tuesday, February 22.

When he came out of the minimarket, he was surprised that his motorbike had disappeared from the parking lot.

"After I took the money, not long after a few minutes I saw that my motorbike was no longer there," he continued.

Seeing his motorbike missing, the victim tried to look at the CCTV footage in the mini market. After looking at the CCTV footage, it was seen that his motorbike was taken away by thieves.

"Judging from the CCTV, one person is wearing a white shirt. The characteristics of the perpetrator are height, white pants, white shirt and he wears a mask," he said.

Feeling aggrieved, Satria said he had reported the loss to the police station.

"I have reported to the Medan Baru Police. The police have also processed the crime scene," he concluded.