KPK Confiscates Probolinggo Regent's Lease, Residents May Occupy And Temporarily Treat

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confiscated assets belonging to the inactive Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari. However, one of the confiscated assets, namely the rented house, was still inhabited by the tenant.
Related to this, KPK investigators then coordinated with the tenants of the rented house. They got an explanation as to why the confiscation was carried out.
"The investigative team has coordinated with the occupants of the confiscated building," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, to reporters, Tuesday, February 22.
After the coordination was carried out, Ali said, the KPK entrusted the assets to the tenants. They can occupy and maintain the rental for a while.
"For the time being, it is true, the evidence is entrusted with the minutes of care for the residents of the house to occupy and care for it," he said.
"They can understand that currently the land in question has been confiscated as part of the legal process related to the alleged money laundering offense with the suspect PTS et al," Ali added.
It was previously reported that the KPK had confiscated Puput's assets some time ago. The assets are located in a number of places in the Probolinggo Regency, East Java with a value of up to IDR 7 billion.
The confiscation was carried out on Friday, February 18 and the assets seized were one land and building located in Sukabumi Village, Mayangan District, Probolinggo Regency; three plots of land located in Karangren Village, Krejengan District, Probolinggo Regency; one parcel of land in the Village or Village of Alaskandang, Besuk District, Probolinggo Regency; and one plot of land located in Sumberlele Village, Kraksaan District, Probolinggo Regency.
For information, the KPK is currently investigating allegations of corruption committed by Puput and Hasan and other parties related to allegations of bribery, buying and selling positions, gratuities, and money laundering (TPPU).
In the bribery case of buying and selling positions, the KPK has named 22 people as suspects. They consist of 4 bribe recipients and 18 bribe givers.
The bribes given by ASN in the Probolinggo Regency Government are carried out so that they can serve as village head officials. Each person is required to pay Rp. 20 million and the village land tribute of Rp. 5 million per hectare.
The four recipients were Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari, DPR member Hasan Aminuddin, Krejengan Sub-district Head Doddy Kurniawan, and Paiton Sub-district Head Muhamad Ridwan.
Meanwhile, 18 donors namely Sumanto, Ali Wafa, Mawardi, Mashudi, Maliha, Mohammad Bambang, Masruhen, Abdul Wafi, Kho'im, Akhmad Saifullah, Jaelani, Uhar, Nurul Hadi, Nuruh Huda, Hasan, Sahir, Sugito, and Syamsuddin as suspects giver.