The Trend Of COVID-19 Transmission In Mataram Decreases

MATARAM - The Mataram City Government, West Nusa Tenggara Province, stated that the trend of COVID-19 transmission in Mataram has now experienced a significant decline compared to the previous two weeks, this condition can be seen by the finding of fewer new positive cases of COVID-19.

"The peak of the case findings occurred on February 9, 2022 with positive findings of COVID-19 as many as 212 cases. On the next date the number continued to decrease gradually until today the positive findings are only 21 cases", said Head of the Mataram City Communication and Information Office, I Nyoman Swandiasa, in Mataram, Monday, February 21.

Swandiasa, who also serves as Spokesperson for the Mataram City COVID-19 Task Force, hopes that this condition can continue to decline until there are no new positive cases of COVID-19 with the discipline to apply health protocols.

"Mataram Mayor, H Mohan Roliskana, gives his appreciation for the participation of the community and the Task Force who are committed together so that there is a downward trend in the findings of new cases", he said.

While alluding to positive cases of COVID-19 in Mataram City, which is still active, he said, based on data from the COVID-19 Task Force of West Nusa Tenggara Province as of February 20, 2022, there were 1,542 people still in isolation.

However, of the 1,542 positive cases of COVID-19, more than 90 percent were self-isolating because they were confirmed positive for COVID-19 with no symptoms and mild symptoms.

"With this downward trend, we hope that Mataram City can get out of the PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) level three status", he said.

Meanwhile Assistant I of the Mataram City Secretariat, Lalu Martawang, said to suppress the trend of COVID-19 transmission, the Mataram City Government would work optimally to remind city residents to continue to comply with health protocols and continue to intensify vaccinations.

"This decreasing trend of COVID-19 transmission does not make us ignore the various prokes. On the contrary, we must remain vigilant", he said.

In addition, Martawang also appealed to all the people of Mataram City to use the PeduliLindungi application which can help the community in the midst of the current pandemic situation.