Biggest Data Leak In Indonesia, 52 Million Indonesian Vehicle Owners Data Sold At Raid Forums

JAKARTA - Indonesia's virtual universe is back in commotion. This was triggered by data from Indonesian automotive consumers that were allegedly leaked and sold on a dark site, Raid Forums. Unmitigated, the total data sold is 52 million data. This data leak is suspected to have come from the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

The automotive consumer data is known to have been uploaded by the 'Eslebe Hitler' account on Sunday, February 13. In the uploaded statement, it is written that the automotive consumer data was obtained from 2000 to 2021, with details of 15 million of which data was obtained in 2019.

"Hello, hello ladies and gentlemen. This is the biggest data leak in the history of Indonesia. I am selling a car database in Indonesia," said the seller in the description column.

"This is a database of all cars in this country. Including history and the present. The number of cars in Indonesia in 2019 is 15 million," from the data seller.

Amazingly, the data uploader also uploads data samples that potential buyers can check. Details of automotive consumer data include data on Motorized Vehicle Numbers (TNKB), vehicle engine and frame numbers, full name of owner, full address, vehicle color, vehicle year, vehicle type.

Reportedly hackers sold 52 million data for 3500 US dollars (Rp 50 million). This is certainly a data that is not too expensive for that much complete data. The seller only accepts transactions via cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Tether, and Monero.

The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has so far admitted that it will explore the issue of data leak information. To make matters worse, the Ministry of Transportation just found out about this illegal data sale and purchase information. Even the Ministry of Transportation admitted that it did not have such detailed data.

In fact, not only vehicle data and their owners are sold on the Raid Forum. There is also data from the Indonesia Health Care Database (, which has been sold since February 5, 2021. This data is sold by an account called "Gooba". The data includes the patient's name, patient's phone number, family contact number and hospital name.

There is also data on 46 million subscribers who are also sold on the forum by an account called mstpce. This again proves the weakness of cyber data security in Indonesia, so that data is easily stolen.