DKI Appoints 14 COVID-19 Reference Hospitals In South Jakarta, Near Your Home?

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has appointed 14 out of 52 total hospitals in the City of South Jakarta as referral hospitals for COVID-19 management.

Head of the South Jakarta City Health Office, Muhammad Helmy, said that the appointment of the 14 hospitals was in accordance with the Decree of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office since Monday, September 7.

"Among the 14 hospitals, there are four regional general hospitals (RSUD) in South Jakarta, namely Pasar Minggu, Jati Padang, Kebayoran Lama and Kebayoran Baru Hospitals," Helmy said when confirmed, quoted by Antara, Saturday, September 12.

According to Helmy, the 14 hospitals were specially appointed to handle COVID-19 patients so that non-COVID-19 patients were transferred to other hospitals in the vicinity.

However, continued Helmy, other hospitals were also asked to increase their room capacity for COVID-19 patients.

"The difference is that other hospitals can or can treat non-COVID-19 patients," said Helmy.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, through my official Instagram, the DKI Health Service, @dinkedki, has released a list of referral hospitals for COVID-19 handling in DKI Jakarta Province.

This appointment is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Health (KMK) No. HK 01.07 / MENKES / 169/2020 and Governor Decree No. 494 of 2020.

Governor Decree No. 494/2020 concerning amendments to Governor Decree No. 378/2020 concerning the Designation of a Referral Hospital for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

In the Governor's Decree Number 378 of 2020, there are only seven hospitals designated as referral hospitals for handling COVID-19, one of which is the Pasar Minggu Hospital in South Jakarta.

With the issuance of Governor Decree Number 494 of 2020, the number of referral hospitals for COVID-19 has increased to 59 hospitals.

The list details the names of the hospitals and their addresses in the five Administrative Cities of DKI Jakarta.

For South Jakarta, in addition to the four RSUDs that have been mentioned by Kasudinkes Muhammad Helmy, there are 10 private and central government hospitals.

The following is the list, Pondok Indah Hospital, MMC Hospital, Medistra Hospital, Siloam Mampang Prapatan Hospital, Mayapada Hospital, Prikasih Hospital, Andhika Hospital, Bhayangkara Sespimma Police Hospital, DR Suyoto Pusrehah Kemhan Hospital, Pertamina Hospital and Fatmawati Hospital.

Meanwhile, the Head of Health Promotion and Public Relations of the Fatmawati Atomic Hospital, Kadam, said that Fatmawati Hospital had been designated as a COVID-19 referral hospital from the beginning of the pandemic since March 2020.

"Our readiness is by preparing facilities and infrastructure including human resources. Non-covid patients are still being served, because the Covid treatment room is a separate place," said Atom.

Meanwhile, the head of the South Jakarta Branch of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), M Yadi Permana, reminded the public to be aware of the dangers of COVID-19 by disciplining to apply the 4M health protocol, namely wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining physical distance and avoiding crowds.

According to him, currently the South Jakarta area is re-entering the red zone of COVID-19, the number of cases can increase every day if the public does not take precautions by disciplining health protocols.

"Currently, several hospitals in South Jakarta are used as COVID-19 referral hospitals, one of which is the Pasar Minggu Hospital. This hospital is directed to COVID-19 patients, while non-covid patients are transferred to other hospitals," said Yadi.