Government Asks For Accelerated Second Dose Of Vaccination And Elderly Booster

JAKARTA - The government asks all parties to support the acceleration of the second and booster doses of vaccination for the elderly, in order to protect and prevent residents of this age group from the risk of death.

"The president's direction is clear, to accelerate the vaccination of the elderly and children," said the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G. Plate in a written statement quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 19.

Johnny emphasized that the acceleration of the second and third or booster vaccinations must be strengthened in all regions, especially for the elderly and people who have not been vaccinated.

In addition, the acceleration of vaccination for the elderly must also be concentrated in places with high community interaction, because it is known that human interaction has the potential to increase the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

"Acceleration of vaccination in the elderly group needs to be intensified, considering that 69 percent of cases of death due to the Omicron variant occurred in the elderly group who had not been vaccinated, both in the first and second doses," he said.

Moreover, in some areas, vaccination coverage is still below 60 percent, such as in Sumenep Regency, where the second dose for the elderly only reached 26 percent.

Meanwhile, on the one hand, the trend of increasing the number of cases continues to occur in several areas, such as in Boyolali Regency which has increased, from 73 cases on Sunday, February 13, soaring to 345 cases on Thursday, February 17.

President Joko Widodo, in his direction, while reviewing online COVID-19 vaccinations in 17 provinces at the Bogor Presidential Palace, Friday (18/2) hoped for support from all parties such as the TNI-Polri, BIN, regional governments, and Forkopimda (Regional Leadership Coordination Forum). ) in helping accelerate vaccination.

The President also reminded that the Omicron variant can be controlled by two things, namely accelerating vaccination and implementing health protocols, especially wearing masks.

The government continues to encourage the regions together with relevant stakeholders to accelerate vaccination while at the same time controlling the public to comply with health protocols to reduce the surge in Omicron cases.

“The elderly group remains a priority because they are at high risk. Let's help immediately complete primary vaccines and do boosters for those who have received invitations, and don't forget to always enforce health protocols," concluded Johnny.