The First Time It Happened After Getting Married, Raffi Ahmad Celebrated Separate Birthday With Nagita Slavina

JAKARTA - Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina have birthdays today, Thursday, February 17. Different from the previous year, they couldn't celebrate together because Raffi was in self-isolation.

Even so, Raffi Ahmad's birthday is still felt. Through his Instagram, Raffi shared the moment when Nagita and her family gave a surprise at 12 pm via video call.

"Happy birthday, dear," said Rieta Amalia to Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina.

"Thanks mom," replied Raffi and Nagita in unison.

Nagita who was sad was calmed by Raffi through a video call. He advised Nagita not to cry because it was her birthday.

Since getting married, they always celebrate birthdays together. Raffi and Gigi usually exchange gifts happily.

Therefore, Raffi Ahmad was confused about the description of the photo he uploaded. He asked for prayers for himself and Nagita Slavina who are 35 and 34 years old today.

"Happy Birthday... Hmmmm.... Confused about what caption to write... please fill in the caption with prayers on our birthdays, 34 and 35, 17 February 2022," said Raffi Ahmad.

The post was enlivened with comments from several fellow artists, including Chand Kelvin, Jenita Janet, Melly Goeslaw, Marshel Widianto, Acha Septriasa and others.

It is known, Raffi Ahmad is self-isolating because he has just come into contact with someone who is positive for COVID-19. He chooses to sleep separately from Nagita because they have a baby at home.