Police Arrest Drug Dealer During Transaction In Mataram

MATARAM - The Narcotics Investigation Unit Team of the Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, arrested a man with the initials HR (34), a former Indonesian migrant worker (PMI) for allegedly being a meth dealer. was revealed from the arrest of a suspected dealer with the initials AT (42). drug transaction with a man with the initials SAR (32). As a potential buyer, SAR was also arrested and taken to the Mataram Police Headquarters. Both arrests were confirmed based on the results of a search by AT with evidence of methamphetamine in cigarette packs.

"There are dozens of packages of crystal methamphetamine in clear clip packaging ready to be circulated which were found in cigarette packs. The gross weight reached 24 grams," he said. AT told investigators that the illicit goods came from HR. "So starting with AT's confession, the recidivist of this drug case, HR's role as a dealer was revealed. AT mentioned the origin of the goods (drugs) from HR," he said. With this information, the police arrested HR on Wednesday (15/2) in the morning at his home, in Karang Pule, Mataram City. During the arrest and search of HR's home, he said, a device for smoking methamphetamine and a cellphone was secured. "We have secured the 'mobile phone' to further trace HR's communication tracks," he said. From this case, he said, it was suspected that HR was involved in an international network because HR worked in Malaysia six months earlier. ), so we will continue to develop this case," said Yogi.