The Man Who Threw Molotov At The Pospol Under The Jatiwarna Toll Road Was Arrested, Allegedly Related To The Wadas Issue

JAKARTA - A man with the initials JSP (31) was arrested for throwing Molotov cocktails at the traffic police post (Pospol then) in the Jatiwarna area, Bekasi. Allegedly, this action is related to the issue of violence in Wadas, Central Java.

"We have arrested the perpetrators of throwing the Molotov cocktails at the Polantas post under the Jatiwarna toll road," said Head of the PJR Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kompol Sutikno to reporters, Wednesday, February 16.

The Molotov cocktail that occurred this morning was allegedly related to the issue of violence in Wadas because a leaflet was found from the man. Where, the content is about a request to stop the destruction of nature to violence.

"Stop! Destruction of nature in the name of Development and Stop the violence of the apparatus! #WadasMelawan #WadasMecall" the leaflet reads. However, Sutikno could not confirm this allegation. So, to find out the motive behind the attack, the perpetrator has been taken to the Bekasi Metro Police for intensive investigation.

"The perpetrator, evidence and witnesses were then taken to the Bekasi City Metro Police for further questioning," said Sutikno.