West Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office Holds Impromptu Urine Tests For 200 Employees

PONTIANAK - The West Kalimantan (Kalbar) High Prosecutor's Office in collaboration with the National Narcotics Agency of West Kalimantan Province held an impromptu urine test for 200 employees at the West Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office to anticipate narcotics abuse. others who are involved or use the illicit goods," said West Kalimantan Kajati, Masyhudi in Pontianak, Wednesday, February 16. He invited all parties to participate in eradicating drug trafficking in West Kalimantan. Meanwhile, Deputy Kajati Kalbar, Juniman Hutagaol stated, routine impromptu urine tests are routinely carried out to prevent any staff from being involved in narcotics abuse, either as users or otherwise. .

"We also urge the public to jointly protect ourselves and our families from being involved in drug abuse," he said. "The government hopes that if there are family or friends who have gone the wrong way, they will be reported for immediate treatment, one of which will be rehabilitated," he said. SOPs (standard operating procedures) that apply, such as rehabilitation and others. Assistant for General Crimes at the West Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office, Yulius Sigit Kristanto added, last year's urine test results at the West Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office were all negative. or no one is contaminated with drugs, because we are anti and declare war on drugs," he said.