Police: Already 3 Times Demonstrations Against Gold Mine Blocking Jalan Parimo, Central Sulawesi

PALU - The Central Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda) recorded three demonstrations by the People's Alliance of Concerned Farmers (ARTI) for the Kasimbar Environment, Parigi Moutong Regency, which rejected the gold mining activity of PT Trio Kencana, by blocking the road.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Sulawesi Police, Kombes Didik Supranoto, said that three times, the demonstrators also blocked the road.

The first demonstration was held on January 17, 2022 with a mass of 250 people, speech activities and closed the Trans Sulawesi road in Kasimbar Village, causing traffic jams, the action ended after the police succeeded in negotiating

Second, the demonstration on February 7, 2022 on the Trans Sulawesi Road, Kasimbar Village with a mass of 300 people, also closed the total Trans Sulawesi road. The action ended peacefully, the masses dispersed after going through negotiations.

Third, the demonstration took place on February 12, 2022, starting at 09.30 WITA on Jalan Trans Sulawesi, Sinei Village, Tinombo Selatan District with a mass of 200 people. The speech activity started at 09.30 WITA by closing half the road, so as not to cause traffic jams.

"However, starting at 12.00 WITA the masses began to block the full road, that's when it caused traffic jams for vehicles from two opposite directions, with a length of approximately 7 kilometers," said Didik Supranoto, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 15.

Meanwhile, the Parimo Police Chief tried four times to negotiate with both the korlap and the crowd who blocked the road, but these persuasive efforts were never heeded.

When there was a queue of vehicles experiencing traffic jams, there were elderly people, minors who were already getting restless, but the crowd did not move to open the blocked road access until 24.00 WITA. "This is a consideration for taking decisive, measurable and directed actions," said the former Wadirreskrimum of the Central Sulawesi Police.

"I need to explain here, what we are facing and taking firm action is the mass blocking the road which causes long traffic jams from two different traffic directions, not related to the rejection of the PT Trio Kencana Mining Business Permit (IUP) in Kasimbar. The issue of PT Trio Kencana's IUP which has the responsibility is the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government," said Didik.

The Central Sulawesi Police Chief has publicly apologized for the incident of dispersal of the mass action that blocked the road which resulted in the death of Faldi alias Aldi.

According to Didik, the police will act professionally and impartially in handling this case, both against those who mobilize the masses to block roads and against members of the police who act not according to the SOP as stipulated by the Chief of Police.