Doddy Sudrajat Is Not Enough, Vanessa Angel's Cousin Also Irritates Netizens And Crazy Rich Surabaya Tom Liwafa

JAKARTA - Since the death of Vanessa Angel, Doddy Sudrajat has often made statements that have angered netizens. From moving the tomb, DNA testing, filing for custody of Gala, to the 40-day anniversary that negates Aunt Andriansyah's name, all netizens are furious.

Now, Tya, Vanessa Angel's cousin, has also made a statement that angered netizens. Tya mentioned the person who claimed to be Vanessa Angel's friend.

Tya also said that in fact many of Vanessa Angel's friends did not want to appear in public. They are the ones who are actually always there for Vanessa Angel.

"Real friends are more silent and don't want to appear. There is one friend who is always there for Mbak Echa, when she is difficult, happy, whatever the situation is. But, it is rarely exposed, not famous, social media is rare, because her child is a bit of a tomboy," said Tya, quoted from the Feny Rose YouTube channel, Tuesday, February 15.

Tya also mentioned the figure of a friend who accompanied Gala Sky while in Surabaya. "That's a friend, her best friend (Vanessa) until now. She was the first time Mbak Echa had an accident, she was in Surabaya. Mbak Echa had an accident in Surabaya yesterday. She was there. 'Oh Sis, where is this?' because he is a close friend. 'I'm actually in Surabaya, take care of Gala,'" said Tya.

Footage of the video was then uploaded to several gossip accounts. Netizens also felt awkward. Because from the beginning Tom always updates the condition of the Gala.

Hearing this statement, Tom Liwafa, Crazy Rich Surabaya immediately reacted. Tom is known as the person who was at the location after Vanessa Angel and Aunt Andriansyah had an accident. Tom Liwafa's wife, Delta Hesti accompanied and looked after Gala Sky Andriansyah while in Surabaya while waiting for Fuji and Fadly to arrive.

Tom Liwafa opened his voice regarding someone claiming to be guarding the Gala Sky in Surabaya through Instastory. "I'm really lazy to speak up, but there are things that need to be straightened out. So many people claim to be taking care of GALA, please differentiate between visiting and looking after," wrote Tom Liwafa in his Insta Stories.

"On the first day, I saw with my own eyes that guarding and hugging the gala was @deltahesti @masayumaya," he continued affirming.

In the upload, Tom also shows Fuji who is actively contacting Tom to look after Gala. Fuji even sent a photo of his ID card to take care of the ticket needs. After Fuji and Fadly arrived in Surabaya, then Gala Sky was guarded by the two sisters of the late Vanessa Angel and Aunt Andriansyah.

"And on the 5th afternoon onwards @fuji_an & @fadlyfsl_ And my household assistants who take turns taking care of the gala (here they really look after) Entertaining the gala, taking care, and putting the gala to sleep," explained Tom Liwafa.

"And it was mas @joelarjunaedi & mba @lindawan89 who accompanied the corpse to jkt by land. I'm surprised, this doctoral graduate is making up stories, how are you doing?," he concluded.