Suspected Heart Attack, Man In Panongan Dies With Scorched Face

TANGERANG - Residents of Mekar Bakti Village, Panongan, Tangerang Regency were shocked by the discovery of a charred body in their house. The victim was known by local residents with the initials WL, 56 years old.

Iptu Syamsul Bahri confirmed the discovery of the body. Syamsul said, the incident occurred on Saturday, February 12, at 08.00 WIB.

"So he died of a congenital disease, heart, lungs and kidneys, (the victim) was burned, maybe because of an internal disease," said Syamsul when confirmed, Monday, February 14.

Syamsul explained that the discovery came from the head of the local RT who smelled an unpleasant odor from the victim's residence. After being traced, it was true that WL was found lying dead.

"RT and residents are looking for the source of the bad smell, when it was traced to the house (of the victim)," he said.

Syamsul suspected that the victim had died since Wednesday, February 9. He also suspected that WL died of heart disease.

"It's been 3 days, the last time the residents met was on Wednesday, yesterday they were taken to the Balaraja Hospital for an external post-mortem. (results) because of a heart attack, “he said.