Indonesia Does Not Follow Other Countries That Have Taken Off Masks, Luhut: Our Approach Is More Conservative

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menkomarves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the government did not want to follow other countries' policies that were too relaxed about the pandemic.
According to Luhut, the tightening policy due to COVID-19 in Indonesia is more conservative than other countries which have eliminated the obligation to use masks for their citizens.
"Compared to several countries that have not imposed restrictions and even do not require the use of masks, our approach is much more conservative," Luhut said in a virtual press conference, Monday, February 14.
Luhut said this was intended to maintain the health system and minimize the occurrence of deaths. "Because in our opinion, losing one life is very valuable," said Luhut.
In addition, Luhut said that currently the bed occupancy ratio (BOR) at the COVID-19 referral hospital is still under control.
For example, the BOR in Java and Bali is currently filled with 39 percent or 21 thousand used beds from the 55 beds provided. In fact, the number of beds provided has not even touched the maximum conversion rate.
"If you use a maximum capacity of 87 thousand beds like during Delta, today's BOR in Java and Bali is only occupied by about 25 percent. This figure is still far below the WHO adequate standard, which is 60 percent," he explained.
Along with the spread of the Omicron variant, COVID-19 cases in Indonesia are indeed increasing. In fact, many people closest to each community have been exposed. However, Luhut asked the public not to worry.
"I ask the public not to panic too much when cases rise high enough or when around us, many people closest to us are infected with this variant. In fact, in my office, quite a few tests have been carried out and the results are positive," he explained.
People who are exposed, Luhut continued, only need to self-isolate, take the recommended medicines and rest at home. Considering, the data shows that the majority of people infected with Omicron only experience OTG and even have mild symptoms.