Akhyar's Loyalist Questions the Definitive Decree of the Medan Mayor that Has Not Been Issued

JAKARTA - Akhyar Nasution's loyalist questioned the definitive Medan Mayor's Decree that has not been issued. Until now, Akhyar Nasution still has the status of acting (Plt) Mayor of Medan.

"Why hasn't the decree on the status of the definitive Medan mayor been issued? In fact, on July 16, Dzulmi Eldin's inkrah decision was issued," Akhyar's loyalist, Suwandi Purba, Wednesday, September 9.

Dzulmi Eldin, who previously served as Mayor of Medan, was sentenced to 6 years in prison in a corruption case. Dzulmi Eldin was executed by the KPK at Tanjung Gusta Prison because his case was legally binding.

For Suwandi, the Deputy of the Akhyar-Salman (AMAN) winning team, the definitive mayor's decree is important. So, Akhyar can freely work to lead the city of Medan with full authority.

“It's different from Plt and the definitive mayor. The authority is different," he said.

Shortly, Akhyar must also take time off because he is participating in the Medan Regional Head Election as a candidate for mayor. The incumbent candidates leave from 26 September to 5 December or for 71 days.

This campaign leave is regulated in KPU Regulation number 1 of 2020 concerning the candidacy for the election of governors and deputy governors, regents, and deputy regents and/or mayors and deputy mayors. Article 4 paragraph 1 letter r regulates that detainee candidates are willing to take leave outside the state's responsibility during the campaign period. This campaign leave rule is a derivative of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.