Referee Who Was Beaten In Liga 3 Match NZR Sumbersari Vs Farmel FC Reported To Malang Police, 3 Witnesses Were Questioned

MALANG - The referee who was beaten up in the chaos of the Group O League 3 match between NZR Sumbersari and Farmel FC at the Gajayana Stadium, Malang, East Java, reported to the police. The referee who was abused was Kevin Keegan Jarona from Papua.

This was revealed by the Malang City Police Chief, Kombes Budi Hermanto. The report was received Thursday, February 10 evening. Now, the police have also followed up on this report by examining witnesses and collecting evidence and post-mortem results.

"A total of 3 witnesses have been examined. The results of the post-mortem are also available," said Buher, as Kombes Budi is familiarly called, Friday, February 11.

The Malang Police Chief has also coordinated with the East Java Police. As a result, League 3 was temporarily suspended.

"Yesterday there were 19 players who were positive. We don't want there to be a new cluster and make League 3 disrupt the security and social order. So, for the time being, we hold League 3, it won't be implemented first," he said.

Buher said the investigation process would still continue. Buher appealed for incidents like this not to happen again. If the team feels aggrieved, the team should take legal action.

"So don't judge yourself, hopefully this can be a lesson. There should be another way that can be conveyed. Not by taking the law into your own hands," he said.