Cooking Oil Prices At Yogyakarta's Kulon Progo Market Still Above HET

JAKARTA - The price of cooking oil in a number of people's markets in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, is still above the highest retail price (HET) set by the government, namely bulk cooking oil of Rp11,500 per liter, simple packaged cooking oil of Rp13,500 per liter, and premium packaged cooking oil of Rp. 14,000 per liter.

Head of the Kulon Progo Industry and Trade Service, Sudarna in Kulon Progo, said the price of packaged cooking oil based on the monitoring of officers in a number of public markets, such as the Wates, Bendungan, Sentolo, Temon, Galur, Nanggulan markets was still above the range of Rp. 18,667 per liter, while the price of oil was still above the range of Rp. 18,667 per liter. Bulk fry are in the range of IDR 17,100 per liter.

"The high price of cooking oil at the level of traders in people's markets and grocery stores is caused by several factors. So, traders still have not sold the price of cooking oil in accordance with the highest retail price (HET) set by the Ministry of Trade," said Sudarna, quoted from Antara, Friday. 11 February.

Traders are still guided by the stock that he sells from the redemption price of the old purchase. They want to be sold according to the old ransom price. Then, traders generally have not received a supply of cooking oil at a new redemption price from distributors or channeling agents.

To respond to the still high price of cooking oil in the market, the Department of Trade and Industry in Kulon Progo coordinates with the Department of Trade and Industry of DIY intensively. However, when it comes to the distribution of the office, the process is left to the central government.

"The Kulon Progo Industry and Trade Department can only coordinate with the DIY Industry and Trade Department, one of which is "market operations". Distribution depends more on central policies," said Sudarna.