Minister Of Health Reshuffles Ranks To Oversee The Transformation Of The Health System

JAKARTA - Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin reshuffled his staff to oversee the transformation of a strong and resilient health system in responding to global and national health disasters.

"The structure of this organization has been arranged, our next task is to fill this organization with the best sons and daughters from the Ministry of Health so that they can oversee the national health transformation process so that it can be realized according to the plan at the end of the government in 2024," said Budi Gunadi Sadikin in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 10.

Budi inaugurated 47 middle and primary high-ranking officials within the Ministry of Health online according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2022 concerning Organization and Work Procedure of the Ministry of Health, which was stipulated by Minister of Health Budi on February 7th.

In the new structure, there are additions, deletions and changes to office names, including three high-ranking middle positions, six high-level leadership positions in the secretariat general, five officials at the Inspectorate General, five officials at the Directorate General of Public Health.

Five officials at the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control, eight officials at the Directorate General of Health Services, five officials at the Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, seven officials at the Directorate General of Health Personnel, and three officials at the Health Development Policy Agency.

Minister of Health Budi hopes that the change in the position structure this time will not affect individual performance which has an impact on the sustainability of the organization. On the contrary, this change is actually able to improve the spirit of leadership and coordination among related stakeholders.

"I ask the newly inaugurated brothers to immediately learn the main tasks and functions of your work unit, understand well all related aspects including the goals, objectives and target indicators that must be achieved," he said.

Budi said there are six pillars of health transformation that are the focus of the government to be carried out in 2021-2024.

In its implementation, said the Minister of Health, health transformation requires reliable, skilled and integrity human resources to ensure this program runs well in accordance with the indicators and work targets that have been set.

In addition, the Minister of Health also asked all newly appointed officials to carry out the mandate entrusted to them as well as possible with a strong sense of responsibility and commitment.

"I believe and trust that the newly appointed officials have the determination to build a cleaner and more integrity Ministry of Health, which will be an example for ministries and institutions in Indonesia," he said.