Red And White Vaccine Pockets MUI Halal Certificate

JAKARTA - The Red and White Vaccine made by Airlangga University (Unair) and PT Biotis Pharmaceuticals Indonesia has a halal certificate from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

The certificate is issued after going through a series of tests from the Food and Drug Research Institute (LPPOM) MUI and the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

"According to the MUI mechanism, the auditors from LPPOM MUI conducted inspections, both documents and fields related to the composition and production process. The COVID-19 vaccine from Airlangga University and PT Biotis Pharmaceuticals, the COVID-19 vaccine under the name Merah Putih vaccine, is legally sacred and halal. ," said MUI Fatwa Chair Asrorun Niam at the MUI Jakarta office as reported by Antara, Thursday, February 10.

He said the halal fatwa for the red and white vaccine was set on Monday, February 7 in a plenary meeting of the MUI Fatwa Commission after receiving the results of research and testing from LPPOM MUI.

MUI ensures that the Red and White vaccine can later be used by the wider community and Muslims do not need to worry because there is no unclean content in the development process until later in production.

The issuance of this halal certification, he said, was a form of MUI support in a religious context for the provision of a safe and halal COVID-19 vaccine made by the nation's children.

"This fatwa is part of MUI's commitment to provide support for the development of a safe Red and White vaccine and at the same time it is guaranteed to be halal. Because the majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim," said Asrorun Niam.

Quoted on the official website of the Ministry of Health, the long journey of the Merah Putih vaccine starts from the "animal trial" process in early to mid-2021. Next, the comorbid macaca (monkey) pre-clinical trial process and old adults in July and August 2021.

Macaca pre-clinical trials for adults, young and adolescents in September 2021. Pre-clinical trials for children and pregnant macacas in October 2021. Furthermore, in November 2021 to coincide with Airlangga University's Anniversary, the Chancellor Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih handed over the Merah Putih vaccine seeds to PT Biotis Pharmaceuticals Indonesia for the process of completing the Merah Putih vaccine.

Currently, the Merah Putih vaccine is entering the first phase of clinical trials on Wednesday, February 9. Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the red and white vaccine is projected apart from being a booster and vaccine for children, but also as an international donated vaccine. It is hoped that the red and white vaccine can penetrate countries with Muslim populations

"The president is willing to use this as a vaccine donation from the Republic of Indonesia, especially as chairman of the G20 to other countries in need," said the Minister of Health.

To achieve this goal, the Minister of Health emphasized that after the clinical trial process, the Red and White vaccine must go through a global registration process as soon as possible.

"Before being circulated internationally, the Red and White vaccine must first go through the registration process at the World Health Organization (WHO), and get an international listing," said Budi Gunadi Sadikin.