Bappenas Optimistic Green Economy Transition Will Create Many Jobs

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN)/Bappenas ensures that the target of achieving net zero emissions goes according to plan. Director of the Environment of Bappenas Medrilzam estimates that the energy transition will create 1.8 to 2.2 million new workers.

"The creation of new jobs will come from improving waste management and developing electric vehicles and supporting infrastructure," he said.

The Director of Manpower at Bappenas, Mahatmi Parwitasari Saronto, said the same thing. He said, the green economy can produce inclusive and sustainable economic growth so that it can be a driver of economic transformation to free Indonesia from the middle-income trap.

"Economic transformation is expected to benefit not only inclusive and sustainable growth but also create green job opportunities and green investment," he said.

In its implementation, the government will also implement low-carbon development which will not only increase economic growth but also reduce carbon emissions by 27.3 percent in 2024.

Furthermore, Mahatmi said that despite having great potential, green jobs still face various challenges to be mainstreamed, one of which is the absence of a single definition that can be used consistently.

"Indonesia also still lacks suitable human resources for green jobs due to limited education and green skills training," Mahatmi concluded.