Development Results, DIY Police Reveal Two Hectares Of Cannabis

YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Police revealed a two-hectare marijuana field planted with 20,000 cannabis trees in the Gunung Leuser National Park Area, Gayo Lues Regency, Aceh.

"From these 20,000 marijuana trees, if you count 1 kg consisting of 10 marijuana trees as high as 2 meters, the total weight reaches 2 tons or 2,000 kg," said the DIY Regional Police Chief Inspector General Asep Suhendar during a press conference at the DIY Regional Police Headquarters, reported by Antara, Tuesday. , February 8th.

Asep said the marijuana field that was revealed on February 3, 2022 was the result of the arrest of three drug dealers DD (18), RD (24), and BM (19) in Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman Regency, DIYogyakarta in December 2021. From DD the police confiscated marijuana weighing 2.1 kg, RD 3.5 kg, and BM 1.79 kg.

According to him, before going to Yogyakarta, suspect RD had sold to MA (51) in Bandung as much as 2.4 kg of marijuana and to the US (38) in Bogor as much as 1 kg on December 24, 2021. Both MA and US have been arrested by the DIY Police Team.

"The police received information that the marijuana was taken directly (DD, RD, and BM) from the JU in Deli Serdang, Medan," said Asep.

In Deli Seradang, officers from the Ditresnarkoba Polda DIY arrested suspect JU (34) by confiscating evidence (BB) weighing 10 kg of dried marijuana.

JU later admitted that he got the prohibited item from AGM who was later arrested at his residence in Aceh Tamiang, Aceh, with a weight of 80 kg of marijuana.

"From the development of the AGM suspect, the Yogyakarta Police received information and found a two-hectare marijuana field," he said.

Regarding the tens of thousands of marijuana trees, he said, the police had destroyed and set aside some of the evidence.

"This is the disclosure of a national-scale marijuana case on the Sumatra and Java islands," said Asep.

Director of Drug Research at the Yogyakarta Police, Kombes Pol. Adhi Joyokusumo, said the economic value of the 20,000 cannabis trees planted in the field was estimated at Rp. 14 billion, assuming Rp. 7 million per kg.

"There (Aceh) it sells for Rp. 50 thousand to Rp. 60 thousand, when you get here (Yogyakarta) it can be up to Rp. 7 million per kg," said Adhi.

Tens of thousands of marijuana trees, he said, were planted by AGM and his group.

Before being distributed, they pack the cannabis leaves that have been harvested and dried in a number of huts in the field.

"The perpetrators packed all the marijuana in huts in the fields. So they brought down the marijuana already in packaged form," he said.

He said that in the search for the marijuana fields, the Directorate of Drugs and Drugs at the Yogyakarta Regional Police deployed 16 members with 11 members of the Gayo Lues Police being "backed up".

To get to the location, the police team had to travel up to 6 hours by crossing rivers and cliffs.

"Approximately 12 hours round trip, up 6 hours and down 6 hours. So the struggle of the members was extraordinary to find the location of the marijuana field," said Adhi.

According to him, the Yogyakarta Regional Police will still develop the case by tracing anyone who is included in the group of AGM suspects.

"We are still studying who the circle (AGM) is," he said.

For their actions, the suspects were charged with Article 114 (2) sub-article 111 paragraph (2) more than sub-Article 127 paragraph (1) letter a of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

"With this kind of evidence, it's a death sentence," said Adhi Joyokusumo.