The Corruption Case Of Grant Funds Is Still Being Investigated, Today The Prosecutor's Office Examines 2 High-ranking KONI Lampung
LAMPUNG - The Lampung High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) examined two witnesses related to the alleged corruption case of misuse of grant funds from the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) in the 2020 fiscal year.
"We are re-examining two people with the initials HL and FNS related to the alleged corruption in KONI grant funds in the 2020 fiscal year," said Head of the Legal Information Section (Kasi Penkum) of the Lampung High Court I Made Agus Putra in Bandarlampung, Antara, Monday, February 7.
HL as the Deputy General Chairperson of KONI Lampung Province was examined as a witness related to the assistance of the General Chair in the preparation and implementation of the 2020 KONI organizational development program.
FNS as Deputy Chairperson of KONI II of Lampung Province, he continued, was examined as a witness related to the Drafting of the KONI Sports Achievement Development Program, Training Center Program, Coaching Program and Sports Week Coaching Program coordinated by KONI FY 2020.
He explained that the examination of witnesses was to provide information for the purpose of investigating a criminal case that they had heard, seen, and experienced for themselves.
Because previously, he continued, in the investigation stage, there were several facts that had to be explored in these activities, including the KONI work program and the application of grant funds were not made based on the proposed needs of KONI and sports.
"The use of KONI grant funds is suspected to have occurred in irregularities and is not in accordance with statutory regulations," he said.
Previously, the Lampung Attorney General's Office had raised the status of the alleged corruption case in the Lampung KONI grant fund of Rp. 29 billion from the investigation to the investigation stage.
The Lampung Attorney General's Office has also examined four people, namely the Head of the KONI Achievement Development Division of Lampung Province, Surahman, the General Chair and Harpain Equipment, the Head of the Bani Kasria Secretariat, and the Deputy Secretariat of KONI Lampung Province Barry Salatar.