49 Employees Positive COVID-19, Kominfo Extends WFH

JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Johnny G. Plate has extended his work from home (WFH) period. Following the reports of 49 Kominfo employees who tested positive for COVID-19.

The decision to extend WFH was taken to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19 within the Kominfo environment. The Kominfo office, which is located at Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No.9, has actually been temporarily closed or in lockdown since last Friday, August 28.

"The closure of the Kominfo Headquarters is extended until September 11, 2020. And will start working again on September 14, 2020, then we will continue to evaluate the situation," said Johnny in his official statement, Monday 7 September.

This figure is reportedly increasing, where previously there were only seven Kominfo employees who were reported positive for COVID-19. Of the 49 employees, 18 of them have recovered and there are no reports of dying from COVID-19.

During the lockdown of Kominfo, Johnny will have an office at Widya Chandra's official residence along with other Kominfo staff. Others, Johnny also conveyed a message to employees who are undergoing recovery so they don't get tired of struggling to get well quickly.

"I convey very deep sympathy to Kominfo colleagues who are currently recovering from COVID-19. I also want to remind you that you are not alone, I and the leadership of Kominfo have similarities and all, so don't hesitate to contact your superiors or colleagues if you are need help, "said Johnny.

Meanwhile, Johnny also reminded the public not to take COVID-19 lightly. The man who is familiarly called Johnny Bang also emphasized that he would always repeat the message to implement health protocols so that it could be implemented in a disciplined manner.

"This does not mean that we cannot fight COVID-19. COVID-19 can be completely overcome as long as we all want to work together to comply with 3M's health protocol.

Menkominfo Johnny also did not forget to remind both the public and Kominfo employees to always apply the 4M approach, namely masks, washing hands, maintaining distance and away from crowds of people. Including postponing visits to crowded places if not needed.

"Make sure the mask covers the nose area, the mouth area. Avoid touching the outside of the mask and don't lower the mask to the chin. Masks are our important weapon to fight the transmission of Covid-19. And it would be much better if coupled with the use of a face shield," he concluded. .