Bogor Regent Inaugurates 17 Replacement Houses For Disaster Victims

BOGOR - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin inaugurated 17 replacement houses or permanent residences (huntap) for victims of the landslide that occurred in Wangunjaya Village, Leuwisadeng on May 3, 2020.

"Thank God, we thank the Head of Wangunjaya Village for donating his land to the community and residents so that today we can inaugurate the huntap," he said after the inauguration of the temporary shelter in Leuwisadeng, Bogor Regency, West Java, reported by Antara, Thursday, February 3.

According to him, the shelter is an earthquake-resistant pilot house, because the building concept uses the Simple Healthy Instant House (RISHA) system which is equipped with earthquake-responsive building structures.

"God willing, this system is earthquake-resistant, so if there is an earthquake it might be stronger, because the technology has been tested, because RISHA is not only a knock down system, but also a combination of concrete panels with bolts," he explained.

Ade Yasin said that the 17 shelters, which were built on an area of 2,350 square meters, were also equipped with 900 watts of electricity and clean water.

"My promise as the Regent of Bogor with the Pancakarsa program has been 80 percent fulfilled, including this Huntap," said Ade Yasin.

The reason is, apart from building shelters for disaster victims in Leuwisadeng, the Bogor Regency Government has also built them in Sukajaya and Cigudeg for victims of floods and landslides that occurred in early January 2020.

According to him, considering that the number of shelters built for disaster victims in Jasinga, Nanggung, Cigudeg, and Sukajaya sub-districts has reached thousands, he is waiting for President Joko Widodo's readiness to inaugurate it.

"Because he (President Jokowi) is directly concerned with the construction of temporary shelters for disaster victims in four sub-districts in the West Bogor region," he said.