One Month PPS Evaluation, Sri Mulyani Continues To Intensify Taxpayer Socialization And Education

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that her party continues to make various efforts to maximize the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) which will be held until June 30.

According to him, until now the number of taxpayers (WP) who follow the PPS is increasing. This indicates that many people are aware of and care about state finances through participation in this program.

"We will continue to disseminate information to taxpayers so that this program, which is only limited to the end of June 2022 or only 5 months left, can be used optimally because taxpayers still need to use voluntary disclosures," he said during a virtual press conference. , Wednesday, February 2nd.

Citing data reported by the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance, it is known that as of February 1, 2022, the number of taxpayers who participated in the PPS was 9,577 with 10,506 certificates.

Of this amount, it was revealed that the value of assets was Rp. 8.80 trillion, of which Rp. 7.51 trillion was domestic declarations and repatriation funds.

Then, the foreign declaration amounted to Rp. 728.74 billion and that which was channeled to the investment sector was Rp. 566.01 billion. Meanwhile, net state income in the form of Income Tax (PPh) is Rp. 935.12 billion.

"We continue to increase socialization and education activities, and of course at the same time we will increase taxpayer compliance in Indonesia, both individuals and corporations," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.