Chris Caffery Likes Halley's Comet Savatage, Seen From Earth 75-76 Years

JAKARTA - Guitarist Chris Caffery revealed about the process of making Savatage's new album. In a recent interview with Pete Pardo of Sea Of Tranquillity, the musician, who has been in the cult metal band for more than 30 years, said he had started producing material with band leader Jon Oliva.

"He (Oliva) started working on the material with Al (Pitrelli, guitarist for Savatage). We have a lot of pieces of the puzzle now," said Caffery, quoted from Blabbermouth, Wednesday, February 2.

"Whether this album will materialize or not… I've always been the same about it - I'll be making 20 records between now and 2002, so you're not going to get anything different from me as far as I feel about it.

"Do I think it will happen? I don't know. I kind of think of Savatage as Halley's Comet (a comet that is visible from Earth every 75-76 years, ed). It comes once in a while. If you don't see it, you might miss it." he added with a laugh.

Caffery went on to say that he wanted the new Savatage album to really materialize. And he remains optimistic about it. However, if it failed to materialize, he would not take it to heart.

"So many wonderful things have happened in my life because of Savatage," he said. "I wouldn't be mad... I would be disappointed if we never played again, just because I love this band. I'm a fan more than I am a member. I love this band and I love the music."

Meanwhile last spring, Oliva told That Metal Interview that he's been working with Caffery and Pitrelli on new Savatage material for the past few years.

Oliva went on to say that she and her bandmate Savatage love making a new studio album. However, there is no agreement with the record company to do so.

As for Savatage's last album, Poets And Madmen, which was released in 2001, was highlighted by the return of Oliva as lead vocalist, replacing Zak Stevens, who left the band due to family reasons.

This album also marked the departure of Pitrelli who joined Megadeth in 2000. However, the guitarist did solo recordings for several songs prior to his departure.