Ready To Provide Pertalite Compensation, Government Prepares IDR 30 Trillion
JAKARTA - Following the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), the government will provide Pertalite subsidies for RON 90 fuel. To that end, the government has also prepared a budget of IDR 30 trillion for compensation for Pertalite fuel to Pertamina.
Deputy for Coordination of State-Owned Enterprises Business Development, Research, and Innovation at the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Montty Girianna, said that currently, his party has cross-checked with the Ministry of Finance regarding the certainty of this figure.
"The budget provided will not be much different from the previous year, maybe IDR 25 trillion to IDR 30 trillion and we are still calculating it carefully", he said.
Montty added that he could not give exact figures because it could cause uncertainty.
He also revealed that currently, his party is also preparing a scenario in providing Pertalite compensation to the community. The first, compensation that will be provided through Pertalite, will be provided with the amount of Premium that is a component of Pertalite.
And the second scenario, compensation is given to the difference in Pertalite price, the economic price with the retail selling price.
However, he ensured that any scheme would not bring losses to Pertamina and the price given to the community was still affordable.
For information, this Pertalite compensation refers to the new regulation, in this case, the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 117 of 2021 concerning the Third Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014 concerning the Distribution and Retail Selling Price of Fuel Oil (BBM).
In Article 21B paragraph 2 of the Presidential Regulation, it is stated that the formula for the basic price, market index price, and retail selling price of RON 88 gasoline (gasoline) fuel as a component of fuel oil forming the RON 90 type of gasoline (gasoline) as referred to in paragraph (1) ) refers to the provisions on the type of gasoline (gasoline) RON 88 as a Special Type of Assignment Fuel.