Send Team To Papua, Ministry Of Home Affairs Wants To Ensure Continuation Of Student Scholarships

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) sent a team to Papua to ensure budgeting and continuation of scholarships for Papuan students in several countries abroad, such as the United States, Australia, Britain, and several other countries.

The Director General of Regional Finance, Agus Fatoni, explained that he and the Director of Regional Budget Planning of the Directorate General of Bina Keuda, and the technical team were in Jayapura having a meeting with the Papuan Provincial Government (Pemprov) in Sentani. students who study abroad. We will return today when the meeting with the Papua Provincial Government is over," he said in his statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 2. Fatoni emphasized the coordination between the central, provincial and district/city governments This is the key to the success of this overseas scholarship program. Moreover, increasing the capacity of human resources is one of President Joko Widodo's main priority programs in the second period of his tenure. or bill from m each university. Meanwhile, for the 2022 scholarship needs, the financing scheme has been prepared. On the other hand, the Papua Provincial Government needs to sit down with the district/city governments to discuss and agree on the continuation of the Papuan student scholarship financing. 15 (until) February 18 2022, discussing this scholarship (Papuan students)," concluded Fatoni. The issue of scholarships for Papuan students had previously been discussed by ministries/agencies. Fatoni explained that the solution to the problem had been discussed by the Ministry of Home Affairs with the Indonesian Ambassador to America, the Education Attaché at the American Embassy, the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu), and the Papua Provincial Government. Meanwhile, the Head of the Provincial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) Papua said the delay in payment of the 2021 scholarships was due to the fact that the campus government had not submitted the bill for the fall semester to the Papua Provincial Government. In addition, the Head of the Papua Province Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) said that the Papua Provincial Government had budgeted all scholarships for 2021. In fact, The need for scholarships for 2022 has also been budgeted. "What has not been budgeted is for scholarships in 2023," said the Head of the Papua Province BPKAD.