Chinese New Year Worship At Dharma Ramsi Monastery Is Held In shift With Time Limits And Health Protocols
JAKARTA – The system of shifting worship with a certain time limit is applied to visitors who visit Dharma Ramsi Monastery in Jamika, Bandung City, West Java, Tuesday, February 1.
In addition, the COVID-19 health protocol is implemented. During the Chinese New Year 2573 Kongzili worship at the place of worship.
The manager of the Dharma Ramsi Monastery, Asikin said the rotating system was implemented with a time limit to anticipate crowds.
"What is certain is that the capacity is only 30 people. And we will also equip barcode scanning facilities in front," said Asikin, quoted by Antara.
According to him, Chinese New Year activities at the Vihara will start on Monday, January 31, starting at 23.00 p.m. local time. Since then visitors began to arrive until Tuesday afternoon.
However, he could not confirm how many visitors had visited the monastery. The implementation of worship is also accompanied by the lighting of small to large Chinese New Year candles.
Meanwhile, the Acting Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, said the various systems implemented to promote health protocols during the Chinese New Year celebration were for the good of all parties.
The reason is that currently, according to him, there has been an increase in cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19. So that a number of activities that risk causing crowds he asked to be postponed in advance.
Meanwhile, Dharma Ramsi Monastery during the Chinese New Year celebration requires visitors to use the PeduliLindungi application. Yana hopes that its use can be monitored and not to be caught off guard.
"So we know who came from a green, yellow, or red location, our efforts to protect ourselves for the people present," said Yana.