Polrestabes Surabaya Names Teacher JA As A Suspect For Violence

JAKARTA - The Surabaya City Police has named a teacher with the initials JS as a suspect in a case of violence against a student at SMP Negeri 49.

"We named the suspect after the victim's parents reported it to the Surabaya Police. However, we did not arrest the suspect," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Surabaya Police, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Mirzal Maulana, to reporters in Surabaya, Monday, January 31.

The actions of JS, who is a sports teacher, to his students with the initials R during face-to-face learning were caught on camera and the video went viral on various social media lines.

According to Mirzal, the Surabaya Police are still conducting investigations, including examining witnesses and collecting evidence.

"Today we examined three witnesses, namely the victim, the victim's father as a reporter and students who witnessed the incident," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

For victim R, said Mirzal, a post-mortem has also been carried out, but as a result, no marks of violence were found on the victim's body.

Meanwhile, the video that went viral on social media related to this case was used by Surabaya Police investigators as an investigation guide.

Kasatreskrim revealed that the presence of students in schools is protected by Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.

The protection as referred to in Paragraph 1 is related to physical, psychological, sexual and other crimes committed by educators, education staff, fellow students and/or other parties.

The rules in the law are in order to protect students from all actions that can interfere with the development of the learning process, health and safety.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Surabaya City Education Office, Yusuf Masruh, and the JS teacher had previously publicly apologized for the violence.

Yusuf asked every teacher to have the right strategy in providing learning to students with the aim of being able to help and maintain the student's academic learning process.

"Because children's abilities and competencies are not the same. We can direct children, but we must remember the educational limits. We hope that there will be no physical touch, but we must use rational logic," he said.