'I'll Take Strict Action Whoever You Are, Remember That!' The Attorney General's Word Reminds The Prosecutor Not To Play Projects

JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin stated that he would not hesitate to take firm action against individual prosecutors, both the head of the high prosecutor's office, the head of the state prosecutor's office to the attorney general who played in government projects.

“There will no longer be begging or begging for projects, undermining regional development activities, namely by begging for deposits, begging for projects, and even interfering in determining the winner of a procurement project for personal gain. I will take strict action whoever you are. Remember that!" said Burhanuddin in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday.

The Attorney General emphasized that he was disappointed and angry with the actions of the prosecutors who were still committing disgraceful acts, especially by begging for projects. Since today, he asked all people to stop all these despicable acts.

"If necessary, I as the Attorney General will act with an iron fist to punish my children in order to maintain the dignity of the prosecutor's institution," he also said.

Burhanuddin also said, although with a heavy heart, he made sure that he would remove the positions of the related persons as the implementation of administrative sanctions, and furthermore, the application of criminal sanctions in accordance with the severity of the error, in order to create a deterrent effect and a lesson for all parties.

On that occasion, the Attorney General also reminded all levels of the Attorney General's Office, the High Attorney's Office, the District Attorney's Office, and the District Attorney's Branch and their ranks, not to trust anyone who brought in, claimed to know Burhanuddin, or claimed to be ordered by Burhanuddin, or on behalf of Burhanuddin. Burhanuddin to coordinate on cases, or to request projects from the local government.

The Attorney General emphasized to all heads of work units to maintain the authority attached to their positions, so that there is no need to be afraid of parties or organizations, such as non-governmental organizations, who use the name of the prosecutor's office and claim to be a prosecutor's support organization that has the intention to looking for profit.

"I will protect you if you act according to the applicable rules and vice versa, I will not hesitate to punish and criminalize you who have seriously tarnished the dignity of the prosecutor's office," said the Attorney General. as well as in areas that indulge in luxury, wear jewelry and live a luxurious lifestyle, both in everyday life and on social media.

This behavior is contrary to the Attorney General's Instruction No. 2 of 2020 concerning a Simple Lifestyle, because it can trigger corrupt behavior, said the Attorney General.

"I want to underline to all my friends, please take care of this dignity. Please take care of this institution. I ask Kapuspenkum to open a complaint to any prosecutors or administrative staff who are still begging for projects,” said Burhanuddin.

The Attorney General asked each head of the work unit to implement the instructions sincerely and earnestly, in order to be a role model for members in their respective work environments.

"You must understand that your presence in the work unit is a real example for the members, so set the right example in order to create a healthy, integrity, and professional work culture and maintain the trust and support that has been given to the community," said Burhanuddin as well.